Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master: MVA, Bertrand Thirion + Alexandre Gramfort, Imagerie fonctionnelle cérébrale et interface cerveau machine, 12h + 3h, M2, ENS Cachan, France.

  • Master biostatistiques: Bertrand Thirion, cours de biostatistique computationnelle, 6h, M2, Paris XI, France.

  • PhD: Gaël Varoquaux taught Python (8h at Inria Saclay, 8h at Inria Grenoble, 4h at Expresso summer school).

  • Master: master Telecom ParisTech UE ACIMED, Alexandre Gramfort tought MEG + fMRI 4h30, M2, Telecom ParisTech, Paris, France


Bertrand Thirion was part of the PhD committee of

  • Peter Rasmussen, DTU, Denmark on April 11th. The PhD thesis was entitled Mathematical modeling and visualization of functional neuroimages.

  • Archana Venkataraman, MIOT/CSAIL, USA on June 26th. The PhD thesis was entitled Generative Models of Brain Connectivity for Population Studies.

  • Mikael Naveau, Cyceron, Caen, France on November 5th. The PhD thesis was entitled Connectivité fonctionnelle cérébrale pendant l'état de repos: modélisation multi-échelle.